Celebrate Purim with Camp Simcha

HAPPY PURIM! We hope you enjoy your delivery of Hamantaschen biscuits, to celebrate the Jewish festival of Purim. Read on to find out about Purim - and also the ways Camp Simcha can help Jewish children and families being cared for at Great Ormond Street Hospital

What is Purim?

Purim is the most festive of the Jewish holidays, usually falling in late February or early March; this year, it begins in the evening of Wednesday 16th March. The holiday celebrates a time when Jews in Persia (now Iran) escaped a plot to harm them.

In the 400s BCE, the Persian king’s adviser, Haman, plotted to kill all the Persian Jews. However, the Persian queen, a Jewish woman named Esther, convinced the king to stop Haman. This story is told in the Book of Esther in the Bible.

On Purim, Jews go to synagogue and listen to a reading of the Book of Esther, followed by a festive meal with family and friends. The celebration often includes acting out the story and playing games. People exchange gifts of food and give to the poor. They also eat pastries called hamantaschen, which means ‘Haman’s pockets’. The pastries are supposed to resemble Haman’s three-cornered hat.

Find out even more about the celebration of Purim –



and don’t forget to send us your pictures enjoying your hamantaschen!


If you know of a Jewish family whom you think might benefit from Camp Simcha support, please see the leaflets below for more information.

What? Find out more about Camp Simcha and how we make a difference for families here.

Who? We care for children with conditions that are life limiting, life threatening, degenerative, congenital, including prematurity, or caused as a result of an accident. Can we help you? 

How? What services can we provide for our families? Read here.

Are you a healthcare professional that would like to find out more for your patient?
Make a referral here. 

Premature and Special Babies information:
Camp Simcha Special Care Babies leaflet
Camp Simcha Special Care Baby Project Criteria

Other useful documents:
Diabetes information leaflet
Jewish holidays Calendar 2022
A Guide to the Orthodox Jewish end of life issues

If you would like to find out more, please get in touch confidentially.

How we help