respite care

Our respite care provides opportunities for relief for parents of a child with a serious or life-threatening illness

An occasional night’s sleep – or even a few hours break – can be the difference between coping or not

When parents have a child with a complex medical condition needing round-the-clock care, it is exhausting. Night after night without sleep can make it impossible for families to keep their heads above water.

Our overnight respite care is life-changing, giving parents the opportunity for some vital rest, knowing their child is in the safe hands of a professional carer.

Camp Simcha also offers day time respite support for parents who need it to help them cope with the practical pressures of their child’s condition.

“The night-time respite is vital because it enables me to keep going.
The day time respite we get is also a lifesaver; it means I can look after my other children, make supper, do jobs I need in the house, sort out all Chaim’s medications – it enables me to keep life going.” 

Bruchi, mum to Chaim, who has Aicardi-Goutieres, a rare genetic syndrome requiring round-the-clock care.

The promise of a night’s sleep was the difference between coping and not.

Isaac's mum


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