Family Support

It’s often the day to day parts of managing family life, that we don't even think about, which weigh so heavily on parents coping with a seriously ill child

Each family is assigned a family liaison officer who is there to support them with that weight in a bespoke way, helping to bring back a sense of normality.

Family liaison officers

Our family liaison officers (FLOs) are available 24/7 to provide parents with emotional support and facilitate the provision of the practical and therapeutic services they need.

Social work team

Our social workers support the work of our family liaison officers and provide professional family assessments, when necessary. They look at every factor which may be impacting how a family is coping to ensure the most impactful support. In addition, they liaise with other organisations, agencies and local authorities to ensure a co-ordinated approach and prevent overlap of services.

Crisis household support

Our family liaison officers often know exactly what a family needs even before they do. They can arrange services such as: cleaning help or a hot meal when parents have had a prolonged or unexpected hospital admission. It’s these practical services which seem small that can make a huge difference between families coping or not.

Specialist Equipment

Many ill children have very specialist equipment needs, such as a chair for a child with uncontrolled pain or a braille Monopoly set. We can take the stress away for parents by researching and providing them with this equipment.

Benefits Advice

The diagnosis of a child needing round-the-clock care and, with it, possibly the loss of one or both incomes, can plunge a family into financial hardship. Benefits are becoming more complicated and some parents give up, rather than face the mountain of bureaucracy to get the help that they are entitled to. Camp Simcha’s benefits specialist, Anne has many years of experience in care homes and for charities, advising people on benefits. On an individual basis, she can support families and explain what benefits or other help they are entitled to through local and health authorities.

“The main help is in completion of complex and very long forms needed to apply for benefits. I have nearly 40 years’ experience of this and even if the formats change they don’t daunt me like they would families already in an emotional state.” Anne Shine Benefits Advisor

If we have had a significant stay at hospital and exhaustion has kicked in, our FLO will organise some food, making our first evening home more bearable. Although this appears a small gesture on paper, it means so much to us as a family – that Camp Simcha is able to provide that little bit of respite at the end of a difficult few days. It’s just a relief when someone else takes the pressure off or does the practical stuff for you.

Camp Simcha parent


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