Stay Fit & Healthy

This is a page dedicated to our Camp Simcha families to provide you with free activities and entertainment through life in lockdown

Football Skills

Matt Bailey is football coach that works with Camp Simcha. He has recorded some mini football skills clips. To see the full play list click here and for his introduction video click below.



Peter Gaffney has kindly shared his links with us- Working out from home to keep fit! Fitness videos. Click here

Joe Wicks on YouTube and Facebook.- Home work outs and daily PE sessions. Click here

NHS Fitness Studio Website–  Aerobic Exercise, Strength and Resistance, Pilates and Yoga, Other fitness plans. Click here


Meditation & Mindfullness

“Calm” is offering ‘soothing meditations’, a ‘calm masterclass’, ‘calm kids’ and mindfulness resources. They’re available via its website – Click here

Headspace has a collection called Weathering the Storm, which includes meditations, sleep and movement exercises. It’s available on the app (for iPhone or Android), or you can access some of the content via the Headspace website – Click here