Paws for Fun first started to come to our house quite a few years ago.  Every Tuesday we are visited by a dog called Tess and her owner; our children are really attached to Tess and look forward in them coming weekly.

As soon as we open our door to Tess, her tail doesn’t stop wagging and she is so excited to see our kids.  Tess has done a world of good for our son Shaya. Tess goes looking for him as soon as she walks in the door; they sit down and Tess either sits on the floor next to Shaya or Shaya picks her up and they have a little cuddle.  It relaxes him and the whole family, and we can see that Shaya is just so happy and calm with her.

Often the children will also talk to Tess’s owner and discuss their medical needs and ask questions about Tess’s needs, comparing if she has any medical needs.

During lockdown, Tess’s owner kept the Tuesday’s going by doing a zoom meeting; it was amazing to see Tess barking and looking around whilst she heard our children’s voices.  When lockdown eased and we were able to meet outside, Tess’s owner bought a new lead specially for our children and they took Tess for a short walk.

Now that we can meet face to face our children are delighted to see Tess and her owner again. It’s the highlight of their week.